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Turkish Food Exporterswill introduce bulgur, sugar and sugary products to the world

The data from United Nation’s Food and Agriculture Organization show that 3 in every 10 people in the world could not access adequate food last year and millions of people struggle with various diseases due to malnutrition. In such classes, majority of which is consisted by women, immigrants and refugees, unfortunately the growth and developmental problems seem to increase in children suffering from hunger problem. In the shadow of wars and climate change, very few fortunate countries maintain their existence with no fear for accessing the food.

Stating that the value of bulgur will increase more as an alternative to rice in an environment where the rice prices increase in the world while global food prices are declining, Ahmet Tiryakioğlu, Chairman of TİM Cereals, Pulses, Oil Seeds and Products Sector Board, says:

“The drought conditions in Asia and the ban on non-basmati white rice export, which was imposed by India, the major rice exporter of the world, brought the global rice prices to the highest level of the last 15 years. As Türkiye is a country that meets its rice consumption domestically at a rate of nearly 70 percent, it was impacted less by the price increases. We want to make use of this trend in food and aim at making the bulgur, which is acknowledged by the world as Turkish product, more preferable on a global scale. One of the first activities that we will carry out in the internationally arena under Turkish Food Exporters brand, which we built by gathering together with our 6 Exporters’ Association operating at the Cereals, Pulses, Oil Seeds and Products Sector will be on the promotion of bulgur and sugar and sugary products. Starting from bulgur, our new brand will introduce the Türkiye’s power in the field of food, which is originated from production, to all world.”


Bulgur, offering high nutri-tional values at an affordable price, supports healthy eating habits. Its taste and durability make it a preferred choice in cuisines around the world. Bulgur, produced from Turkish wheat and having a unique flavor due to favorable climate conditions and fertile lands, sees its production carried out in rural areas using traditional home methods and in factories employing modern technology.

Sugar and Cocoa Products

In Türkiye, the product range of the sugar and chocolate confectionery sector is quite extensive, and manufacturing companies may produce a variety of products. The sector holds a significant position within the food industry and is one of the critical sectors that also develops its ancillary industries through the raw materials, auxiliary substances, and packaging materials used in production.

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